Frank-Tilo Becher
Lord Mayor of the University City of Giessen

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Over the past two years, we have experienced an extraordinary phase characterized by an energy crisis that has had a significant impact on the entire construction industry. Increased construction and financing costs combined with the sharpest fall in residential real estate prices for 60 years have undoubtedly influenced the dynamics of the sector and posed major challenges for private homeowners and investors alike.
The heated debate surrounding the new regulations of the Building Energy Act (GEG) has further increased the existing uncertainty of many citizens over the past year. With the decision to dovetail the law with the Heat Planning Act, which came into force at the beginning of 2024, a solution was finally found that gives homeowners more planning security with regard to an upcoming heating system replacement. The prerequisite for the new regulations to take effect is the creation of a municipal heating plan, which, as a strategic specialist plan, shows which type of supply is likely in which areas in the future, for example connection to a heating network or individual and decentralized solutions. With the aim of being able to provide our citizens with answers about the future heat supply as early as possible, the city of Giessen initiated the creation of a heating plan as a Hessian pioneering municipality in July last year. The results of the planning are expected at the beginning of 2025.
As the upcoming heating transition is particularly challenging for private property owners and often leaves big question marks about the "how", the "Outreach Energy Advice" campaign was implemented last year together with the State Energy Agency of Hesse (LEA Hessen) to provide further support. The campaign aims to show private homeowners in a neighbourhood in particular need of renovation sensible measures for their own building through a free initial energy consultation on site and to motivate them to take the next steps. As the campaign was very well received last year, it will be repeated in another neighborhood this year.
Visitors to this year's BAUExpo will also be able to take advantage of the opportunity to obtain expert, vendor-neutral advice from certified energy consultants from the energy consulting network for the city and district of Giessen. At the joint stand of Mittelhessische Wasserbetriebe (MWB), the municipal Office for Environment and Nature and the district of Giessen, all questions relating to energy-efficient refurbishment, heating construction and renewable energies can be asked. Further information and tips, for example on climate-adapted construction and rainwater management in private homes, can also be found here.
With this in mind, I look forward to this year's BAUExpo and wish you exciting new ideas and a good exchange!
Frank-Tilo Becher
Lord Mayor
Stefan Füll
President of the Wiesbaden Chamber of Crafts

The skilled trades in Upper, Western and Central Hesse have always been a cornerstone of the Hessian construction industry. The skills of a wide range of trades, including carpenters, bricklayers, roofers, electricians, carpenters, painters and varnishers as well as plant mechanics for sanitary, heating and air conditioning technology, are regularly called upon when it comes to renovation projects, new buildings or repairs. The trades are constantly reinventing themselves by combining traditional techniques with modern materials and working methods. The aspect of traditional craft techniques is particularly important when it comes to the professional preservation of historic buildings and monuments.
Nevertheless, the construction industry is currently in a tense situation. In addition to rising interest costs for construction loans, exploding prices for building materials and the cost of living have led to a decline in demand for construction services. However, long-term thinking is required here. Craft services often last for several decades, creating value for future generations. Through this durability, the skilled trades contribute to the preservation of characteristics that are often associated with the economic power next door: Security and stability.
As a major construction trade fair in Giessen in central Hessen, BAUExpo is thus becoming an important platform for exchange and dialog regarding forward-looking projects for the home and garden. As the topic of sustainability is increasingly coming into focus this year, the trade is proving itself more than ever to be a competent partner for builders, house and apartment owners, architects, developers, engineers and planners.
I wish visitors and all exhibiting companies a successful BAUExpo 2024.
Yours sincerely
Stefan Füll
President of the Wiesbaden Chamber of Crafts
Team Messe Giessen GmbH
Welcome to BAUExpo 2024!
With the start of spring, we would finally like to ring in the Hessian construction season with you again.
High interest rates, increased construction costs, planning uncertainty - the difficulties for the construction industry are omnipresent. Consumers are thinking carefully about which investments they want to make. Specialist companies are seeing canceled orders and fewer new orders. According to the ifo Institute (Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich), almost 50% of companies are already reporting a lack of orders in October. In the previous year, the proportion was still 18.7%.
BAUExpo is an independent platform that has been reliably bringing together supply and demand at the start of the new construction season for almost 30 years. Exhibitors meet many potential new customers with concrete investment intentions at the trade fair and can also cultivate existing customers. And visitors benefit from the expert advice of the contacts and the solid companies in the region. Experts are on hand to provide advice and assistance, sell special tools or help with all other questions relating to building, living, renovation and garden design. Even in uncertain times, BAUExpo will stimulate the market, provide orientation and facilitate the search for the best individual solution.
The "Energy" trade exhibition will focus on the use of renewable energies and cost- and energy-efficient construction. Exhibitors at BAUExpo will also be presenting the increasingly important topics of smart homes, barrier-free building and living as well as security. The trade fair offerings will be supplemented by a land and real estate exchange and a job and apprenticeship exchange with current regional offers.
Dear visitors, we hope that you will find inspiring ideas and suggestions for your own building and renovation projects at BAUExpo. Enjoy the fair, make contacts and be inspired by the possibilities that the construction industry has to offer.
We would like to play our part in stimulating the industry's spring business with this trade fair and wish exhibitors every success and visitors an informative time at BAUExpo in Giessen!
Your Messe Giessen team